Welcome to the Foundation for the Protection of User Data

Empowering you to own and protect your data in the digital world

Our Purpose

At the Foundation for the Protection of User Data, we believe that your personal data is just that — yours. In today’s digital age, your data is often treated as a product to be bought and sold without your control. We’re here to change that.

Our mission is to:

  • Rebalance power between individuals like you and the companies that use your data.

  • Advocate for your rights, ensuring you have ownership, transparency, and control over how your data is used.

  • Influence technology and policy, making the digital world fairer and more secure for everyone.

Our Mission

To empower digital citizens by ensuring user ownership, control, and transparency in the digital landscape while advocating for ethical data practices at all levels of society.

Protect Your Data Rights

We ensure that companies (Personal Data Subscribers or PDSs) follow strict rules when accessing or using your data. You have the right to control, share, and even revoke access to your data.

Develop Fair Rules (T&Cs)

We create and enforce the terms and conditions:

For individuals: Clear rules to protect your data ownership and rights.

For companies: Responsibilities that prevent misuse or unauthorized sharing of your data.

Distribute Free IDs

We provide Free Digital IDs to underserved communities, giving everyone the chance to participate in the digital world securely.

Advocate for Change

We work with governments and organizations to influence data policies and ensure your rights are protected globally.

Ensure Fair Technology

We review and approve KiKiPa’s technology roadmap to ensure it stays user-focused and ethical.

Data protection is a growing global issue

All figures in billions